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The Ancient Nine
By:Ian Smith, M.D.
Published on 2019-03-26 by St. Martin's Paperbacks


|Pulls you into the depths of a secret world from the first page. Ian Smith’s novel is unmissable.| —Harlan Coben, author of Missing You Spencer Collins thinks his life at Harvard will be all about basketball and pre-med; hard workouts and grinding work in class. The friends he’s made when he hits the storied ivy-clad campus from a very different life in urban Chicago are a happy bonus. But Spencer is about to be introduced to the most mysterious inner sanctum of the inner sanctum: to his surprise, he’s in the running to be “punched” for one of Harvard’s elite final clubs. The Delphic Club is known as “the Gas” for its crest of three gas-lit flames, and as Spencer is considered for membership, he’s plunged not only into the secret world of male privilege that the Gas represents, but also into a century-old club mystery. Because at the heart of the Delphic, secured deep inside its guarded mansion club, is another secret society: a shadowy group of powerful men known as The Ancient Nine. Who are The Ancient Nine? And why is Spencer—along with his best friend Dalton Winthrop—summoned to the deathbed of Dalton’s uncle just as Spencer is being punched for the club? What does the lore about a missing page from one of Harvard’s most historic books mean? And how does it connect to religion, murder, and to the King James Bible, if not to King James himself? The Ancient Nine is both a coming of age novel and a swiftly plotted story that lets readers into the ultimate of closed worlds with all of its dark historical secrets and unyielding power.

This Book was ranked at 7 by Google Books for keyword Mystery.

Book ID of The Ancient Nine's Books is cNgQtgEACAAJ, Book which was written byIan Smith, M.D.have ETAG "MWc1+X8No98"

Book which was published by St. Martin's Paperbacks since 2019-03-26 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781250309761 and ISBN 10 Code is 125030976X

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Book which have "352 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryFiction

This Book was rated by 5 Raters and have average rate at "4.0"

This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE

Book was written in en

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