Acquire Danger in the Darkest Hour

Danger in the Darkest Hour
By:Mary Pope Osborne
Published on 2015-01-06 by Random House Books for Young Readers


Introducing the first Magic Tree House® Super Edition—and Jack and Annie’s most dangerous mission ever! With a longer story and additional facts and photographs, this thrilling, first Super Edition in the Magic Tree House series is an adventure no reader will want to miss! The magic tree house has taken Jack and Annie back in time to England in 1944. England is fighting for its life in World War II. Before long, Jack and Annie find themselves parachuting into Normandy, France, behind enemy lines. The date is June 5. Will the brave brother and sister team be able to make a difference during one of the darkest times in history? They don’t know, but they have to try! In Danger in the Darkest Hour, Mary Pope Osborne introduces readers to a vitally important historical subject. Have more fun with Jack and Annie on the Magic Tree House® website at

This Book was ranked at 36 by Google Books for keyword Mystery.

Book ID of Danger in the Darkest Hour's Books is ufECBAAAQBAJ, Book which was written byMary Pope Osbornehave ETAG "0CjI9yhG3AM"

Book which was published by Random House Books for Young Readers since 2015-01-06 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780553497748 and ISBN 10 Code is 055349774X

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Book which have "192 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryJuvenile Fiction

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