Get now Cherry Ames, the Mystery in the Doctor's Office (Easyread Large Edition)

Cherry Ames, the Mystery in the Doctor's Office (Easyread Large Edition)
By:Helen Wells
Published on 2009-11 by


Cherry Ames is back, just as you remember her! The books are just as you remember them, retaining the same look, feel, and sense of adventure and patriotism as when they were first published. With fully illustrated color covers and a soft-finished hardcover format just like the originals, these books will transport you back to the days when you were reading about this spunky young nurse. Series editor and registered nurse Harriet Forman was inspired by, and remains a devoted fan of, Cherry Ames: ''...I was going to follow in her footsteps and become a nurse--nothing else would do. ''The United States is still fighting World War II. Cherry Ames is still an Army Nurse, this time aloft--as a flight nurse. Cherry is reunited with her corpsman Bunce--the two of them are in sole charge of ferrying severely wounded men out of the battlefield and to the nearest Army hospital. Much to Pilot Wade Cooper's chagrin, he has been taken off bomber duty to fly the wounded to safety--until Cherry makes him see otherwise. Off duty, the nurses ''adopt'' 6-year-old Muriel Grainger, who has known nothing but war in her short life, and whose mother has been killed by the Germans. Her father is often out on mysterious errands that cause some to label him a ''spy.'' Cherry makes it her risky business to find out if this is truth or rumor.

This Book was ranked at 10 by Google Books for keyword Mystery.

Book ID of Cherry Ames, the Mystery in the Doctor's Office (Easyread Large Edition)'s Books is jrkMhTmuLwoC, Book which was written byHelen Wellshave ETAG "hivhaG6yTc8"

Book which was published by since 2009-11 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781458744425 and ISBN 10 Code is 1458744426

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Book which have "280 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryJuvenile Fiction

This Book was rated by Raters and have average rate at ""

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