Obtain Mystery at the O'Reilly Farm

Mystery at the O'Reilly Farm
By:G. Ann Teixeira
Published on 2010-04 by Strategic Book Publishing


Unlike the children's song, Old McDonald Had a Farm, old O'Reilly's farm has more than cows and chicks to worry about. The Mystery at the O'Reilly Farm begins when an elderly farmer decides to sell his Florida acreage when he can't find good help. He asks Micky's dad, a real estate agent, to sell it. While poking around at the farm, 8-year-old Micky and his friends discover jewelry hidden in a bird's nest. Who in the world put it there? And why? Dig out your Sherlock Holmes magnifying glass so you can help Micky figure out this puzzling mystery. Author G. Ann Teixeira wrote this story for her 8-year-old grandsons, who love a good mystery. She is the mother of six and the grandmother of seven. She hopes to encourage children to read more books. Teixeira has completed four other novels about Micky and his friends. The author used to live on a small farm, but now lives in Sanford, Florida. Publisher's Website: http: //www.strategicpublishinggroup.com/title/MysteryAtTheOReillyFarm.htm

This Book was ranked at 25 by Google Books for keyword Mystery.

Book ID of Mystery at the O'Reilly Farm's Books is 3FJranQtcRYC, Book which was written byG. Ann Teixeirahave ETAG "wNxtuLGilsY"

Book which was published by Strategic Book Publishing since 2010-04 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781609113360 and ISBN 10 Code is 1609113365

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Book which have "30 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryJuvenile Fiction

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