Become Ghost of Marnie Mystery Party Kit for 8, 10 and 12 Girls

Ghost of Marnie Mystery Party Kit for 8, 10 and 12 Girls
By:SimpliFun Studios
Published on 2004-01-01 by SimpliFun Studios


1-932839-30-5Ghost of Marnie Mystery Printable Party Kit for 8, 10 and 12 Girls plus 2 adults: Filled with Fun, Games and LaughterGive a Great Youth Mystery Party Without Knocking Yourself Out... Even the Host Has a Great Time with Printable Party Kits!! Wondering how to entertain those girls ages 9 to 12 coming to your home for a slumber party? We can make you the perfect host in less than ten minutes from now! The moment you place your order you'll be able to print your needed party materials. All you need is a color printer and you can easily host a SimpliFun party. You can even add your own child's name and party information for personalized invitations! A mystery party game is a unique play acting party where the guests become the characters who solve the mystery. You'll get a mystery line-by-line script, invitations, thank you cards, place settings, room decorations, and recipes. This mystery script is written for 8, 10, and 12 players along with two adult helpers and acting. In the Ghost of Marnie Anderson, Samantha's great-aunt, Lady Mattie, has invited Samantha and her friends to her castle in Stratford, England for the weekend: the occasion being a party that Samantha's great -aunt gives each year in memory of a famous actress who lived in this old castle from 1630 to 1650. The weekend will include a formal English buffet supper, 19th century music and games, a casual breakfast, and of course, a mystery. Your guests are invited to come in character. Just follow the script in the complete step-by-step instruction booklet and you and your guests are sure to have a unique and fun evening! Created by SimpliFun Studios because there's more to a party than just eating cake!

This Book was ranked at 31 by Google Books for keyword Mystery.

Book ID of Ghost of Marnie Mystery Party Kit for 8, 10 and 12 Girls's Books is 2jt9HMBnE1YC, Book which was written bySimpliFun Studioshave ETAG "975Vc0NRQEw"

Book which was published by SimpliFun Studios since 2004-01-01 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781932839302 and ISBN 10 Code is 1932839305

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