Learn Get Real

Get Real
By:Michael Hickey
Published on 2011-12 by University Press of America


From the Preface: |Get real| was a slang term that became popular in the 1960's when Michael Hickey was growing up in East Boston. It implied that someone wasn't in touch with reality and had to change their way of thinking or living. If you put on the television today, all you might find is one of the hundreds of so-called reality TV shows. More often than not, these reality shows are illusions of reality because the |real persons| utilized as actors/performers are seemingly coached to act in certain ways by the directors, judges, or producers who really control the reality. Nonetheless, reality TV is a modern phenomenon; people watch it constantly, and that does indicate a high degree of the public's interest in some concept of reality. As for |mystery,| it seems we are approaching an age where there will be the death of mystery, and we will have only reality. Hickey believes this is because the vast majority of the populace doesn't view reality in the context of mystery. They imagine mystery to be something which is just obscure or ambiguous, which given enough time, will be solved by reason and logic and become reality. Hickey's goal is that Get Real will give the reader a fresh understanding of both reality and mystery as seen from a theological and philosophical viewpoint. Ultimately, he intends the reader to move beyond the perceived duality in order to establish that mystery is truly the home of all reality.

This Book was ranked at 24 by Google Books for keyword Mystery.

Book ID of Get Real's Books is gsroFYA6f5oC, Book which was written byMichael Hickeyhave ETAG "axF4P/m2oaQ"

Book which was published by University Press of America since 2011-12 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780761856597 and ISBN 10 Code is 0761856595

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Book which have "150 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryReligion

This Book was rated by Raters and have average rate at ""

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