Receive Hope Never Dies

Hope Never Dies
By:Andrew Shaffer
Published on 2018-07-10 by Quirk Books


The New York Times Best Seller |[Hope Never Dies is] an escapist fantasy that will likely appeal to liberals pining for the previous administration, longing for the Obama-Biden team to emerge from political retirement as action heroes.|—Alexandra Alter, New York Times Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama team up in this high-stakes thriller that combines a mystery worthy of Watson and Holmes with the laugh-out-loud bromantic chemistry of Lethal Weapon’s Murtaugh and Riggs. Vice President Joe Biden is fresh out of the Obama White House and feeling adrift when his favorite railroad conductor dies in a suspicious accident, leaving behind an ailing wife and a trail of clues. To unravel the mystery, “Amtrak Joe” re-teams with the only man he’s ever fully trusted: the 44th president of the United States. Together they’ll plumb the darkest corners of Delaware, traveling from cheap motels to biker bars and beyond, as they uncover the sinister forces advancing America’s opioid epidemic. Part noir thriller and part bromance, Hope Never Dies is essentially the first published work of Obama/Biden fiction—and a cathartic read for anyone distressed by the current state of affairs.

This Book was ranked at 19 by Google Books for keyword Mystery.

Book ID of Hope Never Dies's Books is 3eA0DwAAQBAJ, Book which was written byAndrew Shafferhave ETAG "T6lGW4HJwR8"

Book which was published by Quirk Books since 2018-07-10 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781683690405 and ISBN 10 Code is 1683690400

Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true

Book which have "304 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryFiction

This Book was rated by 4 Raters and have average rate at "4.0"

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